As the church begins to move out of the pandemic, it has been increasingly clear that folks are eager for fellowship. To that end, we want to create environments where women can embrace each other in growing friendship and prayer. Stay tuned for more information regarding women’s events and retreats. For starters, our hope is to gather at least once a month for a Ladies Night. We hope you can join us. Contact Karisa Schreck - – for more information.
New Hope is proud to sponsor a MomCo (formerly MOPS) meetup that occurs on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays of each month, from 9:30-11:30am. Currently, we meet at Catonsville United Methodist Church. MomCo, which is short for mom community, is a space for moms of all ages and stages (pregnancy to great-grandma!) to gather in a faith-based community and encourage one another as we boldly raise our children. Our meetings typically consist of conversation over a light breakfast and coffee, speakers/discussion time, crafts and games! On the off weeks of each month we will either have a daytime playdate or a mom’s night out. We would love for you to join us!
You can get more information about our group by visiting or by contacting Melissa Gorr at